
Importance of Miracle Leaf You Need to Know

There are many herbs (leaves) that are medicinal and beneficial to mankind. Many of these leave have gone instinct and is very difficult to come by.

Today, I am going to share with you the importance of miracle leaf and why you should plant one in your house or garden.

What is Miracle Leaf?

The Leaf of Life is a succulent plant that’s been used as a medicinal herb that helps in treating over 350+ diseases. It’s commonly Resurrections leaf, leaf of life, taameawu, Life Plant, Mother of Thousands, Miracle Leaf, Setawar Kampung, Air plant, etc.

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Miracle leaf has many medicinal values that is good for our physical and and spiritual wellbeing. Bathing with a mixture of Miracle Leaf juice and stone salt will keep bad dream and nightmares away from you.

Health-wise, you can use the juice from Miracle Leaf to treat cold, cough or headache. This herb is so powerful that it can treat so many diseases and illnesses.

I have compiled for you the a list of illnesses and the importance of miracle leaf in treating them.

READ MORE: Miracle Leaf Benefits and Uses You Should Know.

Importance of Miracle Leaf

  1. It is Used to Treat Kidney stones: In case of kidney stones, give 40-50 ml decoction of the whole plant twice a day.
  2. It is Useful in Treating Urinary disorders: Give 5 ml juice of its leaves to the patient suffering from thirst and any disorder related to the urinary system. It is a very good and effective cure.
    In case of urine-related disorder in men, give 40-60 ml of its decoction with 2 gm. honey mixed in it. Give this twice a day.
  3. It is Helpful in Treating Boils: Slightly warm its leaves and crush them. Tie it as a poultice on the affected area. It cures boils, redness, and swelling too.
  4. For Hypertension: Give 5-10 drops of the extract of its aerial parts. It is beneficial in controlling blood pressure.
  5. It Curbs Leukemia: Give 5-10drops of the extract of its aerial part, twice a day. It is beneficial in blood cancer.
  6. It can Be Used for the Treatment of Vaginal disorders: In the case of vaginal flow in women, give 40-60 ml decoction with 2 gm. honey mixed in it. Give this twice a day.
  7. Treats Headache: Crush its leaves and apply on the forehead. It cures headaches.
  8. Aids in Eye pain: Extract the juice of its leaves and apply it all around the eyes. It cures pain in the white part of the eyes.
  9. Treatment for Wounds: Slightly warm the leaves and then crush them and tie on the wound. It helps the wound heal faster and also eliminates the scar.
  10. Cures bleeding diarrhea: Give 3-6 gm. juice of its leaves with cumin seeds and double the amount of ghee mixed in it. Give this to the patient thrice a day. It controls the blood flow in diarrhea.
  11. Manage leucorrhoea: For women who suffer from leucorrhoea ailment, use the decoction of the leaves twice daily. It helps delay the flow of blood within the blood vessels.
  12. Treat piles at home: Drink the extract of the leaves twice daily to get an effective cure for piles.
  13. Good for the liver: Miracle Leaf promotes the health of the liver. You can cure jaundice fast.
  14. Treat ear pain: Get a fast cure for your ear pain by applying the juice of the leaves.
  15. Cure boils: Crush a few leaves and form a poultice. Apply this to the boils. You can use this on the redness and swelling of the skin.
  16. Improves heart health: It improves the health of the heart.
  17. Treat colds and coughs: For common colds and coughs, the juice of the leaves along with sugar candy will help. This can help people suffering from asthma also.
  18. Relieves stomach ache: If you have a stomach ache, you can get relief by having the decoction of the leaves.
  19. Diuretic action: You can cure urinary disorders with the juice of the Miracle Leaf. This is good for curing excessive thirst. Drink a potion of 40-60 ml every day in the morning and evening.
  20. Teething problems: Babies who are cutting their first teeth will have relief from the pain.
  21. Anthelmintic action: Bryophyllum pinnatum (Miracle Leaf) helps remove worms in the intestine effectively. Have the decoction of the leaves twice a day with honey.
  22. Antipyretic property: If you have a fever, the miracle leaf will help relieve your symptoms.
  23. Corrects dysentery: Have the leaf extract with honey to get relief from dysentery.
  24. Helps with weight management: You can lose weight by using the Bryophyllum pinnatum leaves.
  25. Prevents grey hair: Regular use of the miracle leaf will help prevent the greying of hair. It promotes the health of the scalp too.
  26. Good anti-oxidant property: Make tea with dried leaves and have it twice or thrice a day. This will help you fight free radicals better.
  27. Helpful for diabetics: Control your diabetes with the Bryophyllum pinnatum leaves. Have the decoction twice every day and see your blood sugar levels drop significantly.
  28. Cures constipation: You can get relief from your constipation by having the tea made from the dried powder of the Bryophyllum pinnatum.
  29. Purifies blood: Miracle leaf has a purifying action on the blood. It removes the toxins and helps improve your health.
  30. Juice for a chest cold: Warm 3 leaves and juice them. This should yield 2-3 tablespoons of the leaf of life juice. Add a pinch of salt. Take one tablespoon three times a day for as long as needed.

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The above is evidence how important Miracle Leaf is to our health and well-being. It doesn’t stop there. The importance of miracle leaf extends to spiritually.

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