Best Books For Personal Finance Everyone Should Read In 2022
Getting the best books for personal finance seems to be a hard task due to the high numbers of materials available on the internet and in hard copy.
Thousands of authors have released books to teach people how to manage their finances. However, some authors have stood out in the information provided in their books.
In a bid to give you the best among the rest, we’ve compiled the list of the best book for finance everyone should get in 2022.
These books have been tested by millions across the globe and it won’t be a bad idea if you try them out.
Best Books For Personal Finance Everyone Should Get In 2022
1. Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School?
From the topic, it’s obvious this should be ranked among the best book for Personal Finance.
With millions of students graduating from Scholl’s every year, many have failed to fulfill their potential in the world.
They’ve struggled because the majority don’t understand how to properly handle their finance.
Cary Siegel’s book, “Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School?” is divided into 99 principles and eight money lessons that you should have learned by high school or college but didn’t.
The book is easy-to-read, ideal for new grads or anyone looking to start their personal finance journey on the right foot.
2. Rich Dad Poor Dad
Most of you will be familiar with Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad Poor Dad.“ The book is one of the most popular personal finance books of all time.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise, the book spoke about how you don’t need to make a lot of money to get rich, assets and liabilities.
It also explains to parents why schools won’t teach their kids what they need to know about personal finance.
Best Books For Personal Finance Everyone Must Read In 2022
3. The Automatic Millionaire
David Bach’s “The Automatic Millionaire,” takes the number three spot on the list of best books for personal finance.
“The Automatic Millionaire,” a New York Times, USA Today, Bloomberg Businessweek, and Wall Street Journal business bestseller, gave deep insight into how people should think.
It also reveals how to set up a financial system that not only pays you first but one that is automatic.
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4. The Millionaire Next Door
Written by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko, The Millionaire Next Door is great for all those people who have just come into the game of personal financing.
This book talks about the fundamentals of personal finance with simple, consistent instructions.
5. Thinking, Fast and Slow
As we continue to look at the best book for personal finance, it is important people take good advantage of the materials.
Taking the number five position is Daniel Kahneman’s book titled “Thinking, Fast and Slow”.
Managing personal finance is a series of decisions and this book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, drives support for the readers by understanding what pushes them to make the decision.
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6. The Total Money Makeover
The Total Money Makeover is another book that can be considered among the best.
Written by Dave Ramsey, the book has likes a complete guide to saving funds, starting to invest, getting out of a mortgage, saving for a rainy day, paying off your debt and reaching financial prosperity in your life.
Best Books For Personal Finance Everyone Should Get In 2022
7. The Psychology of Investing
John Nofsinger wrote The Psychology of Investing and it’s one of the best sellers.
A professor of finance, Nofsinger investigates the behaviours, and psychology that influence investors, providing a complete summary on making smart investment decisions for those, who are keen to start their own business.
8. The Psychology of Money
This book is an interesting delve into the psychology of money and how your ego, preconceived notions, and even your pride can affect your decisions around money.
As expected, this isn’t exactly the best way to manage your investment portfolio, and Morgan Housel’s “The Psychology of Money” gives readers tips and tools for combating these biases in the form of 19 short stories that focus on the same topic.
9. Your Money or Your Life
With more than a million copies sold, there is no argument that Vicki Robin’s “Your Money or Your Life” deserves to be on the list best of best books for personal finance.
The book highlighted an easy-to-follow, nine-step plan to help readers change their relationship with money.
It also speaks about how to get out of debt, how to start investing, how to build wealth and how to save money.
10. I Will Teach You To Be Rich
A New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller, “I Will Teach You to Be Rich,” was written by financial expert Ramit Sethi.
He explained that you can spend your money, guilt-free, as long as you have it invested and allocated properly.
This book deals with all the common money challenges you are likely to face during your lifetime.
Best Books For Personal Finance Everyone Should Read In 2022
Listed above are the best book for finance everyone should endeavour to read in 2022. While some books are not listed, they are still various books you can try out.
Source: Infoguideghana