
What Is The Health Benefits Of Turmeric? 10 Facts You Should Understand

In this article, we will be taking a look at the health benefits of turmeric and why no one should take the plant for granted at this time.

Before we talk about the health benefits of turmeric, it’s needed to understand what tumeric is and its usage.

What Is Turmeric?

Turmeric is a spice that comes from the root of the Curcuma longa plant, which is a perennial in the ginger family. Its major active ingredient is curcumin.

Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow color. It has become a significant player in people’s day to day activities.

What Is The Health Benefits Of Turmeric? 10 Facts You Should Understand

Though Turmeric has a lot of benefits, below are compilation of ten benefits you need to understand about the spice.

What Is The Health Benefits Of Turmeric? 10 Facts You Should Understand

10. Improves Memory

As earlier stated that health benefits of turmeric are numerous but one that can’t be overlooked is its ability to improve human memory.

A clinical trial showed that 90 milligrams of curcumin taken twice a day for 18 months helped improve memory performance in adults without dementia. It’s understandable why some people have become addicted to its usage.

9. Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation sometimes might start to affect tissues in the body but with turmeric, this can be reduced.

For chronic conditions, tumeric have proven to be a reliable medication.

Research shows that patients with ulcerative colitis who took 2 grams of curcumin a day along with prescription medication are more likely to stay in remission than those who took the medicine alone.

8. Reduces Risk Of Heart Diseases

Another health benefits of turmeric that must be discussed is that it could lower the risk of heart disease.

Heart Disease has claimed the lives of thousands of people across the globe, however, studies show that turmeric may help reverse the heart disease process.

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7. Prevents Cancer

Cancer is another ailment that has continued to cause havoc on the world.

With countless people losing their lives to the ailment, study have shown that tumeric can help in preventing the ailment.

6. Helps To Fight Against Diabetes

The health benefits of turmeric can not be discussed without not mentioning the role it plays in fighting against diabetes.

Tumeric could be a useful tool to prevent or treat type 2 diabetes.

According to research, adults who took a curcumin supplement over 9 months lowered their odds of developing diabetes.

5. Ease Premenstrual Syndrome

Some women are used to going through pains during their menstruation period.

However, a recent study that followed women for three menstrual cycles in a row found that curcumin supplements helped ease PMS symptoms.

This is a health benefits of turmeric that can’t be overlooked as women can now wave goodbye to menstrual pains.

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4. Reduces High Cholesterol

High Cholesterol plays a negative role in the body and it’s not surprising that many people are hitting the gym to stay fit.

However, research on turmeric’s ability to protect your ticker has been mixed.

Studies have shown that turmeric can lower LDL “bad” cholesterol, while others concluded that the spice has no effect.

A research have also shown that turmeric can help ward off heart attacks in people who have had bypass surgery.

This is a great health benefits of turmeric.

3. Helps In Arthritis Treatment

Turmeric has shown promise for its ability to ease joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation.

Over the years, it has been proved that Turmeric helps people more than they can imagine in terms of their health.

However, more researches are to be carried out before turmeric becomes a go-to arthritis treatment.

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2. Helps In Easing Headaches

Tumeric is is a well-known natural headache remedy. Thousands of people have given testimonies on how it has helped.

However, there’s little scientific evidence showing that turmeric can treat or prevent headaches.

1. Skin Infection

Another health benefits of turmeric that must be discussed is the role it plays in the human skin.

According to various reports, putting a turmeric mask on their skin or eating turmeric will help fight stubborn pimples.

This is possible because of the spice’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Conclusion: What Is The Health Benefits Of Turmeric? 10 Facts You Should Understand

Stated above are some health benefits of turmeric. It is evident that the spice should not be overlooked as it can help in our day to day activities.

Source: Infoguideghana


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