
How to Apply for Asylum in Ghana as an Asylum Seeker

If you find yourself seeking asylum in Ghana, understanding the procedures outlined by the Ghana Refugee Board (GRB) is very important. The entity in charge of handling asylum applications in Ghana is the Ghana Refugee Board. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to apply for asylum in Ghana.

What is Asylum?

According to UNHCR, Asylum is a form of protection that allows an individual to remain in the United States instead of being removed (deported) to a country where he or she fears persecution or harm.

Some reasons people seek asylum include:

  • Violence
  • War
  • Hunger
  • Extreme poverty
  • Sexual or gender orientation
  • Consequences of climate change or other natural disasters

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How to Apply for Asylum in Ghana

If you are looking forward to seeking asylum in Ghana from any country, follow these steps below to increase the chances of your asylum application being approved by the Ghana Refugee Board.

1 . First Visit Ghana

You will need to travel to Ghana if you are not already in the country. Asylum seekers usually arrive at entry points like airports or land borders. Your presence in Ghana will fast-track your asylum application.

2. Contact the Ghana Refugee Board

Once you have arrived in Ghana it is important to get in touch with the Ghana Refugee Board (GRB). They are responsible for handling asylum applications in the country. See below for their contact details and location:

For more information concerning our organization, please feel free to use any of the following media to contact us.



Location and Contacts:

[email protected]
GhanaPost GPS GA-121-3279
0307- 038502/3 | 0302784372

3. Submit An Application

After contacting the Ghana Refugee Board, you will need to complete an asylum application. This application will require you to provide information about your identity reasons, for seeking asylum, and any supporting evidence or documents that you may have.

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4. Attend Scheduled Interview

After submitting your application, expect to be scheduled for an interview with an immigration officer or a Ghana Refugee Board representative. The interview will delve into further details about your asylum claim and relevant personal experiences.

5. Provide Supporting Evidence:

Gather any evidence supporting your asylum claim, such as documents, photographs, or testimonies from witnesses. Strong and credible evidence can significantly enhance the strength of your case.

6. Wait for Decision

Following the interview and assessment of your application, the GRB will decide on your asylum claim. If granted asylum, you will receive refugee status along with the necessary documents. In case of a denial, you may have the right to appeal the decision.

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It’s important to note that the asylum process can be intricate. Seeking legal advice or assistance from organizations specializing in refugee rights and immigration matters is recommended. They can guide the specific requirements and procedures involved in seeking asylum in Ghana.

Remember that every step in this process contributes to the establishment of your case, so thorough preparation and accurate documentation are key to a successful asylum application approval in Ghana.

InfoguideGhana ~ How to Apply for Asylum in Ghana

Kwame Bediako

Kwame Bediako is an B.Ed Tech Graduate who looks forward to solving daily basic tech problem and helping people to find information about getting their first job or starting their own business. Contact Me: 0208947724
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